Rabbi: Jews are Not of This World; We’re Sent to Conquer It

One of the most psychologically revealing Jewish statements ever made: “We go into countries as an undercover team. We take on the same shape and form as the people there . . . we’re like undercover agents . . . We are aliens, starting to prep ourselves to conquer Earth . . . We are being trained, activated, and that emotion and mind awakens in us. It’s coming from our original planet . . . We will take over those living on Earth . . . It’s not a different galaxy, it’s a different Universe. It’s a different dimension altogether.”

by Chris Rossetti

WHEN I first saw this video by Jewish Kabbalist Michael Laitman, I thought it was a case of some prankster putting a fake “translation” soundtrack on a generic video of a rabbi lecturing Jewish students. But I started investigating, and found that the translator’s voices and styles here are identical in every way to Laitman’s numerous other lectures that I’ve seen.

Laitman is revealing an insight so deep in the Jewish soul — in the Jewish genetic programming at a sub-cellular level — that some of his own students are aghast and unbelieving. But Laitman insists; he knows he is right.

Kabbalist Michael Laitman

Here’s a small part of what Laitman tells his Jewish students:

Rav Michael Laitman: In fact, we are not coming from here. We came from there (points to outer space). This is Israel at their root. So we went through such a route that took us inside by, what is called the “shattering of the vessels”… the shattering of the collective soul…

Question from the audience: Who is the chief of staff that sent the commanding unit?

Rav Michael Laitman: Him. The Creator. Israel is a part of Him…

Question from the audience: So, this chief of staff sent this commando unit?

Rav Michael Laitman: Sent the commando unit. Gave them strength. Gave them the connections. Everything…

But… they have no choice. He broke them. He shattered them. What does it mean? In order to put them inside the hostile land, he had to give them the same form as that hostile land. It’s like we go into a country as an undercover team. And each one of us is exactly like the people of the land. Say we’re being sent somewhere now — Africa for instance. So we’ll take on the same shape and form of the people in Africa. The characteristics, traits, approach, interests, everything. The same exact form — inside and out…

You know, it’s like an undercover agent. He is there for a while, no one touches him. He has to start working, build a house, family… Everything is fine for years and years.

After that, he starts doing something. He gets a reminder from outside: “You’ve got to start working.” He already forgot about it and all of a sudden they call him. Here is your commander, and this and that, you know — like in the movies… This is what’s happening with us.

We have to wake up. We have to remember that we have a special mission. And really, this isn’t our place. We’re coming from a completely different place. So we have to find our friends according to this awakening. Did you get a phone call? I got a phone call, he got a phone call and so on. And then we gather as a group.

So from this entire planet, we are aliens coming from a different galaxy. We receive this ray of light — this awakening — individually. And now we’re gathering as groups starting to prep ourselves to conquer Earth. That’s the mission.

Question from the audience: How do we conquer it?

Rav Michael Laitman: How do we conquer it? We’re also sent the method. We’re being shown everything gradually. We’re being taught. Not being taught, but kind of trained and activated… which sets our minds in motion. But in fact, it’s coming from our original planet. And thanks to that original natural force we have, we will take over those living on Earth.

Why are you looking at me like that? You don’t believe me? I’m telling you seriously! It’s even more than that. It’s not a different galaxy — it’s a different universe. It’s a different dimension altogether. That’s who we are…

Question from the audience: …Why are they aliens?

Rav Michael Laitman: They’re aliens because… I’m not talking about their external form — their body or their flesh and blood organs. I’m talking about that interior that does not exist in other people in the world on Earth but only in them. It’s the inner software that is in them here coming from the other world.

…What we’re talking about now is the phase where those undercover agents have to connect together and organize themselves in order to conquer Earth…

So we came here in order to put things in order — like on our home planet…

Here’s part of Laitman’s biography taken from his own Web site:

Dr. Laitman closely collaborates with numerous international research institutes. He was invited to join the World Wisdom Council (WWC), a think-tank convened by the Club of Budapest and headed by Prof. Ervin Laszlo, a Nobel Prize nominee in 2004 and 2005. Other notable personalities in the WWC are former president of the Soviet Union Michael Gorbachev, Nobel Prize winner primatologist Jane Goodall and renowned songwriter and performer, Peter Gabriel… In recent years, he has participated in several international events with the WWC and the Goi Peace Foundation in Tokyo, Arosa (Switzerland), Düsseldorf (Germany), and in the Universal Forum of Cultures in Monterrey (Mexico), organized with the support of UNESCO … he regularly meets with world leaders such as UNESCO Director-General Mrs. Irina Bokova, who called him a “true visionary,” and Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro.

Laitman is a bloodthirsty Zionist, as one would expect. (By the way, take a look at the obviously staged photo of “anguished” Jews under Hamas “rocket attack” on his timeline — with a smoke cloud far too big to be made by a shoulder-mounted missile and precisely positioned for maximum photographic effect. Especially look at the one Jew near the center who apparently finds the whole thing hilariously funny. Several others look amused too. Jews are so confident of their dominance they often consider slipshod, easily deconstructed propaganda to be “good enough.”)

Provided for informational purposes.